Monday, May 29, 2017


Each school year, one of my children inevitably comes down with pink eye.  Sometimes it's hard to know if it is an allergic response, irritation or pink eye.  I always start with some homemade saline eye rinses, which are the same PH as your tears.  They usually report that their eye feels much better immediately afterwards.  The recipe I use is 1/2 cup distilled water (this is important so it is free of any contaminants) and 1/4 teaspoon sea salt.  I like pink himalayan salt.  You can use which ever brand you are most comfortable with.  Make sure that all your utensils are perfectly clean, so you are not adding any additional bacteria into the eye.  Any kind of clean medicine dropper can be used to rinse the eyes with the homemade saline.  I like to place about a 1/2 teaspoon in each eye three times on both sides and then repeat this process a few times a day.

If I suspect it is pink eye (especially when it's accompanied by other symptoms from a cold) then I will also give a teaspoon of elderberry (which is a very potent natural antiviral) to combat the part that is viral.  Many times pink eye is caused by a virus and those antibiotic drops would not work to get rid of it anyway.  Obviously if you see that it gets worse or there is discharge from the eye then you should go to your practitioner immediately, since the eyes are so delicate. You always want to play it safe.  Sea salt is antibacterial and can help kill any bacteria in the eye.  I have found this to be a very useful treatment.  Whenever my husband sees me doing this to one of our kids, he always begs to get a turn.  Saline rinses can be very soothing.


Sunday, May 14, 2017

How to Prevent Autism:

In How to Prevent Autism, Dara Berger shares her personal journey with autism. She describes everything that went wrong with her son that led to an autism diagnosis and everything she did differently to prevent her daughter from suffering the same fate. She interviews eight well-known ASD experts--including doctors, nutritionists, nurses, and scientists--about the factors that have led to the growing epidemic of autism. Based on the best practices for preventing autism in children, each professional offers perspectives grounded in their own research and their patients’ improvements. The book covers every detail--from the importance of mothers’ cleaning out their bodies, preconception, through common genetic mutations that may put children at risk, to the crucial role of nutrition in prevention.

You can preorder a copy of How to Prevent Autism

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Welcome to the How to Prevent Autism blog!  Here you will find a wealth of information about my book including recent press and other events.  You will also have access to many helpful and preventative tips that you can use to prevent all the childhood chronic illnesses but especially autism. My goal is also to include many health promoting and easy to make recipes.  I hope you find the posts here helpful!

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